Gorse Hall Primary School

Miss Alexandra Flood, Headteacher

Forester Drive
SK15 2DP

Telephone: 0161 338 4262
Email: admin@gorsehall.tameside.sch.uk

Gorse Hall is a larger than average, two form entry primary school. The children are predominately from the local area. School maintains a steady number on role with a very small percentage of mobility compared to National.

The most important characteristic of Gorse Hall, is that it is a happy, safe and inclusive environment for children to thrive and learn. We are a dedicated, motivated and caring staff who share a range of skills, experience and expertise. We relish opportunities to develop and sustain links with the local community.

In partnership with parents, carers and families we strive to provide our pupils with high quality educational experiences; high expectations and standards for all are promoted and secured.

We aim for our pupils to develop personal and social qualities, skills and attitudes of which everybody can be proud of. We want children to enjoy acquiring and using knowledge and skills to question, explore and formulate positive attitudes, behaviours and personal beliefs. This allows confidence and independence to flourish and equips pupils well on their journey to become successful lifelong learners. Our broad and balanced curriculum provides exciting and challenging learning experiences to develop subject specific skills and valuable key skills for learning. By working together at Gorse Hall, the possibilities are endless…